Banana Plant Dwarf Orinoco Musa Banana Tree 4-24″ tall
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Plants for sale are Dwarf Orinoco banana plant Plants are currently growing 4″ deep pots. plants are between 5″-16″ tall Each plant is grown from tissue cultures to be a disease free exact replica of the mother p..
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Plants for sale are Dwarf Orinoco banana plants
Plants are currently growing 4″ deep pots. plants are between 5″-16″ tall. Each plant is grown from tissue cultures to be a disease free exact replica of the mother plant. The Dwarf Orinoco is a small vigorous plant that is solid green and has a thick stem. Dwarf Orinoco is a heavy bearer of thick skinned fruit of very good eating quality. There is very little curvature to the fruit which allows it to ripen without splitting.
Dwarf Orinoco is hardy and withstands cold temperatures and wind, however it must be supported when carrying large heads of fruit. This banana is cold hardy to zone 7. Additionally we recommend using only *Bio Spectrum organic fertilizer, located in our store. Ships to the continental United States only.
Dwarf Orinoco Banana care and instructions:
Watch this video for detailed growing instructions
Dwarf Orinoco Banana Care
Fertilize bananas using any type of high nitrogen organic fertilizer. Bananas are heavy feeders so we suggest that you fertilize every couple of months After your initial watering.
Light and Temperature Requirements
Grow bananas in BRIGHT LIGHT. 12 hours of bright light are ideal for most varieties. bananas prefer Constant WARMTH this is very important – the ideal night temperature would be 67 F. The day temperatures would be in the 80s. Ideally you would have fresh circulating air.
If you are in a more northern climate you may bring them during the winter. rhizome / rootball and all, remove the leaves and store the plant, dry, in a heated area over winter. To assure survival, it is easier to dig small suckers, severed very close to the parent rhizome, and pot them for overwintering indoors. Spacing should be at around 4′ this will produce a stand or patch.
We recommend planting Bananas in patches or groves, placing them together in a stand. The shade from a stand of bananas is generally cooler than regular shade, a well placed hammock will do nicely on a hot summer day.
After fruiting, the mother plant which bore should be cut off near ground level, as it can never produce again. The old trunk will quickly decompose if cut into three or four pieces, then split lengthwise. Use the remains in a mulch bed or compost heap.
After a major cold period in which there is no doubt that bananas were killed to the ground, cut the plants off at ground level within a couple of weeks of the freeze. Dead bananas are not very attractive and they are much easier to cut off before decomposition starts. banana leaves can be removed after they break and hang down along the trunk.
Most bananas will produce the flower bud within 10 to 15 months of emergence as a new sucker, depending mostly on variety and extent of cool/cold weather. Most production north of the lower Rio Grande Valley occurs in the spring and summer following a particularly mild winter.
Banana Propagation
Bananas can be propagated from pups which are the off shoots from mature plants. These off shoots will form new Rysomes creating a new plant. Commonly referred to as a pseudo stem or trunk, bananas possess a trunk-like feature composed of fiber ridden leaves.
Pests and Diseases
When it comes to Pests and Diseases Bananas have few troublesome pests or diseases outside the tropics. Root rot from cold wet soil is by far the biggest killer of banana plants in our latitudes.
General Information
Broad, long, graceful leaves and rapid growth-commonly reaching full size in just a few weeks-make banana a favorite plant for providing a tropical look to pool and patio areas. The development of bananas following a frost-free winter is a source of both pride and amazement to those unfamiliar with banana culture.
Bananas are a tropical herbaceous plant consisting of an underground corm and a trunk (pseudostem) comprised of concentric layers of leaf sheaths. At 10 to 15 months after the emergence of a new plant. There are thousands of banana varieties and some species reach up to 50 feet in height.
Additionally Banana flowers appear in groups (hands) along the stem. These hands are covered by purplish bracts. These bracts roll back and shed as fruit develops. The first hands to appear contain female flowers which will develop into bananas (usually seedless in edible types).
The number of hands of female flowers varies from a few to more than 10, after which numerous hands of sterile flowers appear and shed in succession, followed by numerous hands of male flowers which also shed. Generally, a bract rolls up and sheds to expose a new hand of flowers almost daily.
The most common names for bananas are Musa acuminata, Musa balbisiana, banana, plantain, banano, platano, guineo, cambur, English, plantain, horse banana, platano, Musaceae, Cavendish and Musa.
Banana Sap
Banana sap is a more like water than sap but will slightly stain clothes if your not careful. However some find it to be a mild irritant.
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