Canna Lily “Lemon Punch” Live Plant Cannaceae
$7.99 sales tax
Plants for sale are between 5″-16″ tall Each Canna I offer is Hybridized and grown from tissue cultures to be a disease free exact replica of the mother plant. Blooms all summer long! We sell only live virus indexed “negative” plants not bulbs. Bu..
Plants for sale are between 5″-16″ tall Each Canna I offer is Hybridized and grown from tissue cultures to be a disease free exact replica of the mother plant. Blooms all summer long! We sell only live virus indexed “negative” plants not bulbs. Bulbs will carry any diseases the donor plant may have and with older plants the probability of that occurring is very high that’s why we offer only lab tested culture grown, Virus indexed plants that are safe for your garden. A compact growing form at 2-3 feet, with bright-green leaves and lemon-yellow flowers. Lemon Punch brings a piece of the tropics to your back yard. A prolific bloomer, much like its predecessor, Orange Punch. Its so bright you’ll need sunglasses. Zones 7-10. Hummingbird attractant. Blooms all summer long. We recommend using only *Bio Spectrum organic fertilizer, located in our store. Ships to the continental United States only… Happy Gardening Outdoor Beds
1. Find a location where the soil drains well. If there are still water puddles 5-6 hours after a hard rain, scout out another site. Or amend the soil with the addition of organic material to raise the level 2-3 inches to improve the drainage. Peat moss, compost, ground bark or decomposed manure all work well and are widely available. Canna lilies can thrive in soils that are too moist for many bulbs, but the soil must not be water logged. 2. Choose a site where your canna lilies will receive full sunlight. 3. Dig holes and plant the rhizomes 4″-6″ deep and 2 feet apart for tall varieties or 1 foot apart for the medium to dwarf types. Place the rhizomes with the eyes facing up. 4. After planting, water your cannas generously, soaking the soil. Roots and sprouts will form quickly in warm soil. (If the soil is still quite cool, wait until it warms before planting.) 5. When in bloom, feel free to cut canna lily flowers for bouquets. Some gardeners grow the varieties with deeply colored or striped leaves for the foliage only and cut off all the flowers for in home arrangments. If you prefer this approach, it will not hurt the plants to be pruned this way. 6. After blooming has finished for the season leave the foliage in place; don’t cut it off. The leaves will gather sunlight and provide nourishment for next year’s show. Water as needed. Leaves may be removed when they yellow. In cold areas, to save your canna rhizomes for next year, dig them after the first frost. Let the rhizomes air dry for several days. Then store in a cool location in paper bags or boxes filled with peat moss. While this approach doesn’t always work because holding temperature and moisture level of rhizomes and storage medium must be fairly exact to please these tropical plants, if you\’re an adventurous gardener, it’s worth a try. 7. Your cannas will rest for a few months before beginning the next growing cycle. Pots 1. Fill your containers with good quality, well-drained soil. Almost any commercially available potting medium will work fine. Make sure there are adequate drainage holes; canna tubers must never sit in waterlogged soil or they will rot. Keep in mind the mature size of the varieties you have chosen and plan your container sizes accordingly. 2. Site containers where they will receive full sun. 3. Dig holes and plant the rhizomes 4-6″ deep, and 15″-18″ apart for tall varieties or 10″-12″ apart for the medium to dwarf types. Place the rhizomes with the eyes facing up. 4. After planting, water your cannas generously, soaking the soil. Roots and sprouts will form quickly in warm soil. (If the soil is still quite cool, wait until it warms before planting.) 5. When in bloom, feel free to cut canna lily flowers for bouquets. Some gardeners grow the varieties with deeply colored or striped leaves for the foliage only and cut off all the flowers. If you prefer this approach, it will not hurt the plants to be pruned this way. 6. After blooming has finished for the season leave the foliage in place; don’t cut it off. The leaves will gather sunlight and provide nourishment for next year’s show. Water as needed. Leaves may be removed when they yellow. (In cold areas, to save your canna rhizomes for next year, dig them after the first frost. Let the rhizomes air dry for several days. Then store in a cool location in paper bags or boxes filled with peat moss. While this approach doesn’t always work because holding temperature and moisture level of rhizomes and storage medium must be fairly exact to please these tropical plants, if you’re an adventurous gardener, it’s worth a try.) 7. Your cannas will rest for a few months before beginning the next growing cycle. Florida Hill Nursery is your internet source for buying rare plants and fruit trees. Our online Plant selection ensures the best selection of internet plants available. Ceck out our wide selection of other tropical plants, subtropical plants and norther temperate climate plants. Buy 1 plant or tree and recieve free shipping on the next three plants or trees using *best way shipping. Our online selection of rainforest tropicals and fruit trees can add a piece of the tropics to your back yard, greenhouse, patio or garden.