Kiwi Actinidia Fruit Tree “Vincent” Female Vine Plant

$8.99 sales tax

Plants for sale are Kiwi Actinidia Vincent and are currently growing in “4” deep pots, plants are between 4″- 24″ tall “They grow fast!!” Each plant is grown from tissue cultures to be a disease free exact replica of the mother plant. Vincent is a..

759 in stock


Plants for sale are Kiwi Vincent Female Vine

Kiwi Vincent Female Vine Plants are currently growing in “4” deep pots, plants are between 4″- 24″ tall “They grow fast!!” Each plant is grown from tissue cultures to be a disease free exact replica of the mother plant. Vincent is a female Kiwi. Kiwi need both a male and a female to produce fruit The compatible male version is Tomuri and is posted in our store.

The Vincent and Tomuri combination produces a 2-4″ fruit, even larger than the store bought versions and is considered the best choice combination for home gardens. I have Kiwi in my garden and it is my favorite vine hands down. There’s something about those fuzzy green/brown/red leaves and emerald green fruit.

Please note that Vincent female kiwi vine, Kiwi should be planted at the ratio of 4 to 1 four females to one male.

Ships to the continental United States only.


Kiwi Vincent Female Vine Care and Instructions

soil requirements and planting instructions

First, mix together the following:

  • 60 percent potting soil
  • 20 percent peat moss
  • 20 percent coarse sand and a handful of perlite

Then, place this mixture in a pots, beds or garden and plant your Kiwi Actinia.

When planting Kiwi Actinia in the landscape plant at 4′ apart on a sturdy trellis. Proper site preparation ensures years of growth and once established they will not require weed control. Soil Ph should be around 6.0-7.0

light conditions and Zoning

When making a site selection keep your plant in an area that has medium or full light.

This species of Kiwi Actinia is  hardy at zones 8b-10.

Watering, fertilizer, and Pest and diseases

If using drip irrigation allow soil to dry slightly between watering. Do not over water. Kiwi Actinia are not drought tolerant.

This mild feeder loves an organic fertilizer N-P-K ratio or 5-5-5 or lower.

Pests or diseases are few and far between.

Kiwi Actinia produces small white flowers in the spring spring followed by fruit.

Kiwi Actinia are also referred to as goose Berry, Macaque peach, Macaque pear, Vine pear, Sunny peach, Wood berry, Hairy bush fruit, Unusual fruit, wonder fruit and Vine berry.

Growers generally grow Kiwi Actinia from shoots, seeds and tissue culture. There are several different varieties of Actinia.


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