Furcraea Foetida Mediopicta Mauritius Hemp Live Plant

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Known for its distinctive striped leaves, which have a slight wave to their pattern, Furcraea foetida Mediopicta is one of our favorite succulents. They sport pretty green leaves with cream yellow stripes.

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Plants for sale are Furcraea Foetida Mediopicta “Agave” Mauritius Hemp Succulent

All my plants grow from tissue culture to be exact disease free copies of the mother plant. Known for its distinctive striped leaves, which have a slight wave to their pattern, Furcraea foetida Mediopicta is one of our favorite succulents. They sport pretty green leaves with cream yellow stripes.

In addition to the leaves, Furcraea foetida produces strongly fragrant flowers. These flowers are greenish to creamy-white in color and open a few at a time for several weeks. From the leaves to the roots, Furcraea foetida is a very useful plant, its leaves have medicinal uses, like its anti-inflammatory effect that aids healing wounds.

Additionally, Furcraea foetida is an ideal groundcover that helps hold the soil, creating a safer home for wildlife. When used as a landscaping plant, it adds more accent and beauty to any landscaping or patio by providing a striking contrast when mixed with other foliage plants and shrubs. Its beauty cannot be denied even if it is grown in pots, containers, or as a specimen plant.  Ships to the continental United States only. We recommend our organic fertilizer, Biospectrum.

For indoor growing instructions please visit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XD0kBZxfCs

How to grow Furcraea Foetida Mediopicta,

Soil requirements and planting instructions

First, mix together the following:

60 percent potting soil

20 percent peat moss

20 percent coarse sand and a handful of perlite.

Then, place this mixture in a pots, beds or garden and plant your Furcraea Foetida Mediopicta. Place plants 16″ apart when planting in landscape. Proper site preparation ensures years of growth and once established they will not require weed control. Soil Ph should be around 6.0-7.0 . Use an organic fertilizer N-P-K ratio or 5-5-5 or lower.

Keep your plant in an area that has bright indirect light, but not direct sunlight.

If using drip irrigation allow soil to dry slightly between waterings. Do not over water. Furcraea Foetida Mediopictaare drought tolerant.

Furcraea Foetida Mediopicta also refered to as (Giant Cabuya, Green-aloe female karata, maguey, mayuey criollo, cocuisa, giant cabuya, and aloes vert)

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